Friday, January 16, 2009

French Connection, Part 2--One Day (And Night) in Paris

After a super time in Straßburg, we headed further west to the big show called Paris. Nuff said. First there was a quick stop in Lille to meet up with the French contingent of foreign language assistants.

Denidoo '08

It doesn't look as fun as Baz Luhrmann's version.

And some famous old stuff...




The picture that every person has had taken of themselves

def old and famous

Louis' flagship = shopping break

N for you-know-who (conceited much?)

The blackout bridge. I vote they add Britney and Lindsay.

SATC, anyone?

And then there's this place

Dusk in the City of Light
Made it! Next we headed toward the Eiffel. And then it turned off a block before we got there. Why do I support energy conservation?
Solution? Bar hop on the Champs. Duh.

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