Saturday, January 24, 2009

Autumn In The Taubs

The symbol of fall in the Taubertal. There are apples everywhere. Ceems got attacked by one.

Martins Messe--basically a very miniature Oktoberfest.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Weimar--The German Major's Dream

After the French excursion, it was time to explore the home country a bit more. The first stop was pretty obvious. As any German student will tell you, Weimar is probably one of the most important places in terms of German cultural, literary, and political history. It was a long train trip, so we had to move fast if we wanted to see what shaped Germany in a day.

We decided that Buchenwald, the largest work camp during World War II, was a must-see. But we had to get it done before dark because, let's be honest, creepy. The camp was mostly destroyed when it was liberated, but there is a fantastic museum and lots of informational markers and memorials on the site. It's extremely difficult to articulate the emotional upheaval of visiting this place, and I won't try to do so here. As someone who had spent several years learning about the Holocaust, it was a valuable and important opportunity to actually see its remnants.

Where the barracks stood

The Goethe oak tree

"To each his own"--takes on kind of a different meaning here

We came back into the city and began a whirlwind tour of some of Germany's most famous history. Here's the national theater.
Oh, yeah, and the Goethe and Schiller memorial. Kind of a big deal.

German literature's finest

And then you turn around and see the Bauhaus Museum.

Schiller's house

And Goethe's house. I wonder if there is significance in the fact that they are both yellow?

Dramatic Goethe moment
That went by quickly. Check the watch. Yup, we just did Weimar in forty minutes. Ballin'.

Friday, January 16, 2009

French Connection, Part 2--One Day (And Night) in Paris

After a super time in Straßburg, we headed further west to the big show called Paris. Nuff said. First there was a quick stop in Lille to meet up with the French contingent of foreign language assistants.

Denidoo '08

It doesn't look as fun as Baz Luhrmann's version.

And some famous old stuff...




The picture that every person has had taken of themselves

def old and famous

Louis' flagship = shopping break

N for you-know-who (conceited much?)

The blackout bridge. I vote they add Britney and Lindsay.

SATC, anyone?

And then there's this place

Dusk in the City of Light
Made it! Next we headed toward the Eiffel. And then it turned off a block before we got there. Why do I support energy conservation?
Solution? Bar hop on the Champs. Duh.